Investment Analysis Group

Est. 1995


 New York University’s preeminent undergraduate investment fund.




Assets Under Management


2024 Full Year Returns

Our Alumni

 Our alumni place at top firms in New York and stay involved after graduation. Some firms our alumni work at include:


IAG Stock Pitch Competition

The IAG pitch competition is a way for general members of the club to create their own pitch under the guidance of IAG Portfolio Team members. 

Throughout the semester students will learn the following during workshops and individual meeting times: 

  • Sourcing investment ideas

  • Crafting investment theses 

  • Valuation

The top pitch submissions will have the opportunity to present at an IAG General Meeting and will receive prizes.

Register by March 12th at 11:59 PM!


 Our Pitches

IAG analyzes business fundamentals and invests in businesses trading under their intrinsic value. Disclaimer
